Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week Five & We're Coming Alive!

Well, week five is OVER! I am one third done with my student teaching experience, which is super exciting, but heartbreaking at the same time. I am really starting to connect with some of my students and I really look forward on improving every day. This week, one big idea that I focused on was testing and study guides. I gave my first test and study guides this week in my animal science and my greenhouse management class. My tests included true or false, multiple choice, matching, short answer/listing questions and labeling diagrams. I felt that because there was a lot of different choices, that my students could easily share their knowledge with me in different ways. When I created my study guides, I also wanted to make these questions harder for my students. The idea was that I could make a study guide more challenging then the test so my students would feel well prepared for their tests. 

I gave the students the entire period to work on their study guides. I let them work individually for a while and then told them they could begin in groups. This seemed to work very well. At the end of the period, the students had finished, and I told them that they need to bring their study guide to me, to get the test the next day. I told them that the study guide would be 5 extra points on their tests, if it was completed. This would give students an advantage to work on it more. 

Giving the test:
Well, this was my first test that I ever gave, and let me tell you, it was not long enough. It probably took them only 25 minutes, so I had to fill in time with other things. This was difficult. Next time I do know that I will need to plan a little bit more!

Looking ahead:
Intro to Ag: Finishing up speeches & Creed
Greenhouse Production: Concluding the lumber industry
Animal Science: Swine lesson & Brochure! 
Floral Design: Selling Valentines day flowers & prepping for Teacher Appreciation Day
Senior Ag: NOCTI Prep!


  1. I know what you mean about tests. Here is my unprofessional and untrained opinion. I think its ok to give them fifteen minutes on a test day. just make it silent study time. Remember they have six or seven other classes each day, and they just got through a test with you. That's just a thought.

  2. Evy,

    Thanks for the post. I appreciate your struggle with the exam. Quality assessment can sometimes be one of the most daunting portions of being an educator. With exams you never know what will happen. I have often had just the opposite... I thought the students would be done in 15 minutes and it took them much longer. This will vary be exam, by class, by year, etc. So, no matter the situation just be prepared when given an exam to either wait, or be ready with the next unit! Best wishes!

    Dr. Ewing

  3. Thanks for sharing Evy! I will share that I never used an entire class period for an exam. In fact, it is usually a great time to do the interest approach for the next unit!
